Csgo Callouts Dust 2 Maps for Gamers


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Dust 2 is viewed as one of the incredible map guides CS: GO. Players of the first game Counter-Strike, partook in the primary adaptation of this area, named Residue. Then, the spot was remastered and altogether gotten to the next level. The guide has accepted its fame due to all-inclusive acknowledgment because of its excellent equilibrium, where the two groups enjoy no benefits, and just ability and experience are expected to win.

Even though the guide is old, it was impacted by visual changes instead of useful ones. While the focus has consistently kept a reliable style, every variant has unmistakable capacities. Also, the subtleties got better after some time of CSGO Callouts Dust 2 maps for gamers.

What is Dust 2 Game?

Dust 2 (or de_dust2) is the most well-known map in Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, and Counter-Strike: Worldwide Hostile. It’s well known to such an extent that some other FPS games (counting Counter-Strike imitations) have obtrusively taken its plan. It’s no big surprise, truly. The guide has been engaging players for north of 20 years at this point, which is for sure an accomplishment. To this end, we are to respect the prominence of this guide.

Delivering this Callout guide for Residue 2 so that if you’re different from it, you can find out about the areas inside and make correspondence with your group as simple as possible. Handing off exact data about the adversary’s whereabouts to your partners assists them with understanding where to search for rivals.

Dust II Map Callout Guide for Counter-Strike

The following is the design of Residue II, with every one of the significant terms recorded. In this article, we will add a few pieces of data for each and notice the historical backdrop of the callout, if there is any. Where do we try and start? There are countless spots. How about we begin with T Bring forth, and we’ll see where this goes.

T Spawn

It is where the miscreants bring forth, duh. Some time ago, you could see through Mid Entryways from here.


I called this because a CT can kill you from CT Mid through the entryways, and you have no place to search for cover as you are running. When you can send a smoke for the entrances, the benefit you would have gotten by racing through Suicide is lost. It is another hint in the CSGO Callouts Dust 2 maps for gamers.

Right Side Mid / Green

Called “Green” since there was a green box in Counter-Strike at Top Mid.

Top Mid ( Barrels, Palm )

Top Mid is, for the most part, the region over the mid incline. Barrels are a particular spot generally utilized for killing, which can hand off the data better to your colleagues. For example, the palm was there in Counter-Strike: Source, yet presently there’s a utility pole around the barrels.


Named not in light of the famous Microsoft console but since of the “X” it had on the case back in Counter-Strike. It is also helpful in the CSGO Callouts Dust 2 maps for gamers.

Catwalk (Cat)

The plausible ramification is that it looks like a catwalk, with a short, restricted wall you can run on, similar to a feline.

Outside Long (Car Outside Long)

In CS: GO, there’s a vehicle here (it wasn’t there back in Counter-Strike), so this fills in as an extraordinary milestone to transfer data (and to stow away for a few modest kills).

Long Doors

Likewise worth focusing on is a “crate” inside this chamber, which you can support on top of.

Blue (Blue Box)

It’s blue!

Pit (and Side Pit, Pit Plat)

Three pieces of the Pit with a ton of setting up camp spots accessible.

Long Corner

Most normal setting up a camp spot of a CT that monitors the Long Entryways.

A Long

The vast and open region attempts to smoke and glimmer before navigating it.

A Car

Random data: Car didn’t exist here in Counter-Strike.

A Cross

Vital intersection, with risks approaching from fundamentally all over the place

Elevator / Boost / Pocket

Fantastic hiding spot with various names. Attempt to sneak a lift with your companion and shock the rivals!

Short Boost

Great boost spot to rush Short as CT, to some degree fun, however challenging situation to safeguard Short from.

A Ramp

The whole incline is counter as Slope, and there’s the “box” identifier on the off chance you spot somebody taking cover behind it. It is another hint in the CSGO Callouts Dust 2 maps for gamers.

A Default Plant

There are many boxes there, yet calling this area out will surely be preferable over saying “A” to somebody.


One of the usual is setting up camp spots, which gives a reasonably good cover.


Named after one of the first makers of Counter-Strike, Minh Le “Goose,” since back in Counter-Strike, there was a spray painting “Goose.”

A Plat (Basket)

Open space with two or three bins that additionally act as an identifier.


Excellent hiding spot when somebody is pushing Long. Once in a while, individuals don’t look at this spot, and a ton of the time, Ninja stops have occurred. Since Ts sometimes don’t leave the site and they safeguard short from that point, it’s feasible to creep up without being seen and throw a blend of smoke explosive and flashbang projectiles to open the chance of doing a Ninja stop.

A Short

Short will be Short, whether it’s previously or after the steps. To this end, specific individuals have parted it into “CT Short” and “T Short.”


There’s likewise a “Case Steps” or “Lift Steps” area (which ponders against Lower Passage). But, again, try to check under the steps, as many individuals don’t see the foe hunching there.

B Car

There was no such thing as a while Vehicle in the first Counter-Strike; it’s an entirely feasible spot to put yourself while protecting B.

B Closet

It’s that annoying concealing spot that you should check each time while you’re pushing in, in light of the fact that somebody from that point will emerge and kill you each time you don’t. It’s also hard to really look at it assuming you’re pushing in alone because there are so many different spots that foes can stow away in. Moreover, it is another hint in the CSGO Callouts Dust 2 maps for gamers.

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