Exploring the Differences and Advantages of MEAN and MERN Development in Modern Web Development


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The world of web development is rapidly evolving and transforming today’s businesses. Now, developers have a plethora of options for technology stacks, but choosing the one that suits the unique web development needs is crucial. Well, MEAN and MERN have emerged as the most popular choices amongst all. Both MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) and MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) web development offer top of the line features and advantages.

This blog will give a clear insight on the difference and advantages of MEAN and MERN development. It will be helpful for the developers to make a right and well-informed decision while choosing a MEAN and MERN development company. Let’s begin with an introduction for both the technology stacks.

Introduction to MEAN:

MEAN is the commonly used full stack web development technology that involves four cutting edge technologies such as  MongoDB,ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS. MEAN is an acronym used to represent each technology in the stack. It is completely free to access and is quite popular for its open source and full stack capabilities. Web developers consider choosing MEAN as it uses only one language i.e Javascript. It makes it easier for developers to use Javascript for server- side development as well as client-side development, which ultimately streamlines the overall  web development process while enhancing the efficiency.

Advantages of MEAN Stack:

Isomorphic Code:

The  main advantage of MEAN stack is that it uses isomorphic javascript code that runs efficiently on both server side and client side. Thus, it ensures faster web development along with eliminating the need of having a specific web development team to take front-end and backend development processes separately. It helps businesses to save huge development costs while launching the web applications faster in the marketplace.

Cross Platform Development:

In MEAN stack development, there’s no requirement for a separate codebase to develop web and mobile apps. Developers can use the same code while maintaining the functionalities for cross platform development. It helps to save time and costs for the overall development process while helping the team ensure a seamless and efficient process.

Huge Libraries:

The MEAN stack offers developers with access to sensitive libraries and tools that ensure efficient web development. The open source components also offer a flexibility to make debugging easier during the early phase of  web or mobile app development life cycle.

Introduction to MERN:

MERN is also a solid full stack technology that is developed completely on Javascript. It allows developers to create most scalable and robust web solutions. It involves some of the most advanced technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJs and Node Js. Here, MongoDB works as a database, Express.js as server side framework, ReactJS for client side user interfaces and Node JS used as the server side runtime environment. By using MERN, developers can access an array of tools to create feature rich applications.

Advantages of MERN:

Optimized performance:

The MERN stack offers faster UI rendering due to the virtual DOM feature of React. React offers great freedom to organize and optimize the code that provides better performance. This ultimately leads to better user experience and search engine optimization for web applications.

Seamless User Experience:

Due to React Native, MERN developers can build scalable mobile apps that deliver seamless native like experiences to users. It supports offline data storage, camera access, and smooth animations. Also, developers can write code only once and use it for cross platforms, which ultimately saves time and effort.

Cost Saving:

The MERN stack helps to save a significant cost on resources as there is no need to hire a separate team of developers. It offers flexibility to approach service side or client-side development. The unified method can streamline the overall development process and lead to faster deployment.

Key difference between MEAN and MEAN:

There are some key parameters that represents the difference between MEAN and MERN stack for web development:

  • MEAN uses AngularJS while MERN uses ReactJS as a front end framework.
  • The learning curve of MEAN stack is steep while it is moderate for MERN stack.
  • In the MEAN stack, MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture is used, while in MERN, three tier architecture is used.

The Bottom Line

Both the MEAN and MERN stacks are popular among the developers. Although they share many similarities such as utilizing Javascript and being open source, considering differences can help to choose the perfect stack for your project along with a right MEAN and MERN development company. There are certain factors that influence the choice such as expertise of the development team, project demands, maintainability and capability. Thus, it is important to assess each stack to make the right decision that positively impacts your project while saving time, money and effort.

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