Modern Technology Impact in the Field of Education


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The field of education has been transformed as of late as most students have had to approach remote learning as a forced measure because of the pandemic situation. The impact of modern technology has unfolded in the most profound way possible. The students, parents, and educators could see the pros and cons as they gained access to the curriculum anywhere but also had to rely on technology. As a rule, there were technical challenges of software malfunctioning and financial barriers that made it extremely difficult to provide the same range of services across the country.

Studying The Impact of Modern Technology in the Field of Education

– Accessibility Factor.

It has both sides of the coin because modern students can access the course anywhere and enjoy using LMS systems like Blackboard or Google Classroom without having to visit the physical classroom. At the same time, some students in remote and poor communities cannot have good Internet and have access to technology all the time. If your time is limited and you are dealing with technical hiccups, it’s possible to contact writing essay services and talk to an expert to get things done faster. Likewise, when you are stuck writing, technology can match you to a specialist much more easily!

– Flexibility of Curriculums.

The positive impact of technology for modern learners is the freedom to adjust the course contents and add updated information to the curriculum. It’s the reason why we have so many free and commercial learning courses, as the things we can teach are not limited to 3-5 textbooks on the same subject. Of course, the quality may differ, yet it’s always easier to improve the content and make an educated guess regarding what can be better and more suitable.

– Healthcare Concerns.

Now, we cannot ignore the problems of increased eyestrain and the fatigue that is faced by modern students who have to wear headphones all the time and spend even more time online. There are also posture problems and a lack of physical activity. This concern should be addressed with the help of fieldwork and weekly school trips where various physical activities are implemented.

– Independence and Lack of Control.

Another impact of modern technology in education relates to students’ independence as they turn to self-made research methods and seek information on their own. It also brings a certain lack of control as there is much less guidance than ever before. Technology is only as good as it is pre-programmed by educators or programmers, which is why one should focus on things like logic, analysis, and improvement of writing skills. Technology alone cannot educate us, as we should sort the information we have and shape our perception of things based on more than technical solutions.

– Social and Cooperation Aspects.

The most commonly discussed problem is the lack of social interaction and the ways how cooperation is addressed during joint school projects. The use of technology can actually connect us to learners from all over the world, yet it keeps the students stuck to the monitors and takes away from body language and physical contact. Many schools combine the use of technology with school gardening and handwork to improve basic tactile functions. It may not be sufficient, but it’s already a good start and a measure to help address the concerns.

The Emotional Impact of Technology

The bonding of the learner’s mental state to the increased use of technology is one of the vital factors that must be counted. This aspect is not often discussed as insufficient statistical evidence exists to create a scientific sample. We have parents that complain about socialization and the decreased role of a teacher as most learners cannot stay focused and relate to the virtual classrooms. Since students perceive it the same way as the social media pages with the use of tablets, they do not feel the same connection as they do when they deal with a teacher in the classroom who keeps eye contact, addresses students in their presence, and keeps the control of every learner. It feels like a talk with friends or parents where the level of perception is totally different. While it’s still too early to make a solid statement in this regard, most educators will agree that the problem of emotional bonding and modern technology is essential. BIO  Joanne Elliot is a technology expert, psychology consultant, and academic writing educator. Her posts explore subjects like modern education, technology’s impact on our perception of life, and culture. Follow Joanne to take your learning to another level and keep your exploration fun.

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